Jesus Will Help You Conquer Your Anxiety

Twenty years ago, my life fell apart as I began a long and unexpected battle with anxiety. Some months into this struggle, I began to wonder if my future was ruined. There were weeks when my hope for restoration shriveled.

Sometimes, the enemy whispered that I was unworthy. Too damaged to be useful. And I believed it.

Maybe you feel that way. Perhaps deep inside you have concluded that you are doomed to remain in this pit, small and vulnerable for the rest of your life. If so, listen to Isaiah’s words in Isaiah 54:2,3:

“Enlarge your house; build an addition.
Spread out your home, and spare no expense!
For you will soon be bursting at the seams.”

Isaiah isn’t talking about a home improvement project. He is using a metaphor for an enlarged life. An expanding future.

Isaiah spoke this prophecy over God’s people when they were in a state of helpless captivity. When they were at their most broken. When they felt utterly vanquished. It is one of the most counterintuitive promises of God to His people.

In the midst of their shattered and small lives, He promised them an increase.

Don’t measure your future by this present experience, Isaiah promised. Get ready to grow. Get ready to be enlarged. Get ready to bear fruit. The inference of the whole passage is that Israel will be more than it was before.

You and I need to receive this promise for our own lives.

This message is as true for you as it was for captive Judah.

Like captive Judah you are invited to enlarge your expectations of God’s kingdom within you.

Right now, in this dark place, a part of you is being enlarged. Though you are going through a diminished season, you can trust that God is laying a foundation in that valley for a greater glory in your life.

In every life, this will work out differently. But you can be certain that your spirit is increasing in this dark valley.

When you emerge from it, although you may still feel fragile, there will be an increase in you that has been wrought by the Spirit of God. It may be an increase in understanding. In healing. In knowledge. In patience. In grace. In godliness. You may find an increase in opportunities, in joy, and in influence.

God is increasing His influence in you in order to increase His influence through you.

One thing you can bank on: Jesus plans to enlarge your life by governing it through this hard season. So invite Him to take over the full government of your heart during this time (Isaiah 9:7). Give Him permission to have His way.

In this way, this present darkness, this pang of pain, will also be the servant of Christ.

Don’t miss this rich interview with Tessa about her recovery from anxiety and more. Stick around for the next 5 minutes of our interview on embracing your emotions.
Based on an excerpt from Tessa Asfar’s book, The Rested Soul: 30 Meditations to Quiet Your Heart.

*For further reflection, listen to Isaiah 54 today!

  1. Isaiah 54


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