Remember that term, lady in waiting? It sounds so pretty, doesn’t it?
If only our seasons of waiting felt and looked pretty. But many times, they look painful, confusing, lonely, and heavy. I remember waiting with excitement when my husband and I tried to get pregnant. But after months had passed my excited waiting turned to fearful and lonely waiting, when finally the doctor told us we would never be able to get pregnant. I learned then just how painful a season of waiting could personally be.
But there is hope, and one of the places we find hope through our difficult waiting season is in the book of Habbukuk.
With strikingly raw language, Habakkuk invites us into his season of waiting. He looks around at the circumstances and world he lives in and wrestles with God over the seeming chaos. With broken relationships, corrupt leaders, rebellious injustice, declining faith, and financial hardship, God seems distant.
“How long, oh Lord?” and “Why, God?” are just two of the questions Habakkuk asks, so familiar to many of us in our times of waiting.
And God answers. Habakkuk is shocked by the answer of how God will deal with the chaos that surrounds His people. Yet, instead of turning away in despair or rushing to shallow comfort, Habakkuk returns to God while he waits on Him.
And this time, instead of more answers, Habakkuk receives more of God Himself.
Through this path, Habakkuk’s fear turns to peace, his despair into hope, and his confusion into trust. The book of Habakkuk reminds us that life is a string of seasons of waiting, and these seasons can propel us toward or away from God. Still, we are never alone in these seasons but lovingly held and guided by a God who is drawing ever near to His children and teaching them to look to Him.
*For deeper reflection, listen to Habakkuk 1.