When David and I began our adventure in baseball, we were not walking out our faith. We had good hearts and cared for others. However, we lacked the courage to open our lives to the people God intended us to love deeply. And so we built emotional barriers, and anger roared at times.
Our hearts were forever changed when we committed our lives to the Lord.
As we intentionally read the Bible, the scars left by past relationships began to heal. We discovered what it truly meant to walk the path Jesus had set before us. We set aside our egos. Our baseball life became more about including and supporting others. Our mission field grew from the coaches, players, and wives to the ticket takers, vendors, and grounds crew.
Peacemaking and encouragement became our anthem. Our compassion deepened, and we learned to truly honor and trust the people God placed in our lives to love. We chose to be generous with the love God poured into our lives by giving it freely to others.
Choosing Love
- What is your choice in your current relationships?
- Are you reactive to your circumstances or proactive in building relationships?
When we react, our actions reveal us. People who are reactive frequently take their cues from their surroundings and, when irritated, may adopt other people’s attitudes. Reactionary relationships often rely on others’ behavior, allowing them control. Not everyone will like you, nor will you like everyone, but that’s no excuse not to love.
To build strong, loving relationships, we must be responsible and response-able, choosing to respond rather than react. This intentional choice places the power of love back in our hands.
Growing Connections
Being proactive means more than just taking initiative—it means taking responsibility for growing our connections. Sometimes, our position in a group makes us hesitant to step out, but serving the Lord overrides this. So, let’s put away hostility, deception, dishonesty, and comparison. If the Holy Spirit prompts us to reach out, let’s act on it.
Maybe a new mom arrives at school with a nicer car, or a co-worker comes in with confidence that intimidates us. A new team member, baseball wife, or mom may seem different, but choosing to embrace these God-given connections empowers us. Being proactive shapes how we serve, even when it’s hard.
What will you choose today? I pray you’ll commit to building loving relationships. Embrace the uncomfortable. Loving others isn’t optional—God commands it.
“But as for me and my household,
we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15
*Adapted from Baseball Family: Nine Core Qualities for Developing Healthy Relationships by Billie Jauss. Copyright © April, 2024. Used by Permission.
For deeper reflection, listen to Joshua 24 today!
- Joshua 24
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