Rediscovering God’s Voice

Many of us have likely heard the saying, “If you aren’t hearing God, maybe your Bible isn’t open.” But what if your Bible is open and you’ve been praying diligently? What then?

I’ve been going through a season of transformation, filled with unknowns. And in recent months, I experienced lulls where Jesus appeared to be silent. A painful silence, when I desperately needed a word—any word from Him—overcame me.

I soon noticed so much noise around me. I felt consumed by distraction, not even by bad things. Like Elijah in 1 Kings 19, who was grasping for God. I looked for His voice in the wind, earthquake, and fire.

It wasn’t until I stopped and meditated on Psalm 62 that I heard Him. “I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken” (‭‭Psalms‬ ‭62‬:‭1‬-‭2‬).

Sometimes God is seemingly quiet, and His voice is a whisper, because He is drawing us even closer to Him.

In this season, God reminded me that He is my Rock. He hid me in Himself. He was struck so I could be healed and set free from sin and the jaws of death. Jesus also poured His living water into me so I would be refreshed and empowered with His Holy Spirit.

I needed to abide quietly in His presence, and become conscious of Him without distraction. Sometimes, we become so busy in our minds, that it’s worse than being busy with our hands. We can deceive ourselves into believing that we are resting, when we are ruminating on an endless list of things.

So today, let us rediscover rest and be refreshed by hearing His voice in Psalm 62:

1. Reflect on a time when you felt distant from God. What distractions were present in your life during that time, and how did they affect your ability to hear His voice?

2. Meditate on Psalm 62:1-2 and wait quietly. In what ways can waiting quietly before God lead to victory and stability in your life?

3.Picture God as your rock and fortress in Psalm 62:2, 6-7. How does this imagery provide comfort and assurance during times of struggle or uncertainty?

4. Pour out your heart to God, as mentioned in Psalm 62:8. What does it mean to trust in Him at all times, and how can you cultivate a deeper sense of trust and reliance on God in your daily life?

5. God is speaking plainly, as expressed in Psalm 62:11. How have you experienced God’s power and presence in your life, and how can you continue to listen for His voice amidst the noise of the world?

*For deeper reflection, listen to Psalm 62 today!

  1. Psalm 62


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