“I’ll try again tomorrow.”
Our ability to approach God through His Word is an invaluable gift I take for granted far too often. Perhaps, like me, you have wondered, “Where is my motivation? Shouldn’t I have it in me around the clock as God’s children?”
When we reach for motivation and cannot seem to find it, it becomes easy to feel frustrated or ashamed. We easily turn away from the Word instead of tuning into it. And, then we so easily fill our hearts with stuff that does not belong there.
We know that God gave us His Word for a transforming relationship with Him, and yet we continue to struggle. Why?
- Intimidation
When we do not know how to properly read, study and apply the truths of God’s Word for ourselves, it is easy to feel intimidated by our questions. We start to feed on the fear-instilled lies Satan feeds us and believe we are incapable of understanding Scripture.
God never created His Word to make His children feel afraid to approach it. He gave us His Word to grow an intimate and authentic relationship with Him. The Bible leads us to a life-giving relationship with the Creator of the universe that the devil does not want us to have.
- Distractions
The devil also feeds us the lie that we have too much going on to slow down. Sis, getting in the habit of reading God’s Word on the daily is HARD.
But here’s the thing…if we are too busy for God, then we are too busy.
We convince ourselves that God will “understand” our busy excuses—that something or someone else is more important than knowing Him.
If that stings a little bit, don’t worry—you’re not alone. I’m here to remind you of your need for God’s daily bread. Planting roots in the Word is a holy calling. Do not ignore it.
There will be seasons where showing up is extremely complicated and there will be seasons where it is easier. No matter the season be intentional in acknowledging the truth that time in the Word should not be avoided.
As Matthew 4:4 says, “But Jesus told him, “The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'”
Work with what you have and God will meet you there. I pray that along the way, you grow in your Bible literacy. When you hear the words, “Bible literacy,” what comes to mind? First, let me tell you what it is not.
- Bible literacy is not opening our Bibles and trusting that we are opening to the right book, chapter and verse we need for the day.
- Bible literacy is not opening our Bible simply when we feel like we need it.
- Bible literacy is not relying on other people, like preachers and teachers, to do the work for us.
Bible literacy is the steadfast habit of acknowledging our need for Scripture, every single day, and putting in the intentional effort in order to truly understand it for all its worth. It is approaching God’s Word in such a way that leads us to a sound understanding of His Word.
When we know what we believe and why we believe what we believe, we are able to identify the false gospel messages that saturate our world. We are also able to stand our ground against the enemy’s lies and point our loved ones toward the true Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Bible literacy is such a gift and it is for everyone—not just preachers and teachers of the Bible. And, it gives us the motivation to dive into God’s Word every day!
*For further reflection, listen to Matthew 4 today!
- Matthew 4