“Is her.BIBLE in different languages? We are an international ministry and reach refugees and immigrants from all over the world.” – Cynthia
Before her.BIBLE was even completed in English, we began receiving many requests for women’s audio Bibles in languages worldwide. And, while we are trying to reach more her.BIBLE listeners in English, we are also eager to coach women to record their own audio Bible in their heart language.
Katy, an Oxford Seminary seminary graduate in her first year of ministry in the Anglican Church was the first woman to start our coaching program.
She comes from a working-class family in Devon, UK, and is passionate about everyday women understanding their value to God. As a result, Katy is recording the NIV in the cockney English accent with multi-ethnic UK women’s voices! Katy explained, “Our main audio Bible in the UK is voiced by a well-known British actor with a very well-to-do accent. But I wanted to hear a woman read the Bible who didn’t particularly have an upper-class background because, in the UK, class is quite a big thing for us. It does create barriers for people.
The Bible talks about unity in diversity. What better way to reach and represent that diversity in the body of Christ than through these different voices?”
Katy recently reflected on the importance of this recording. “I was speaking to an [Asian] woman who has volunteered in the project. She shared that not seeing someone from an Asian background and a woman was a real barrier to her. It discouraged her that perhaps she couldn’t take part in leading because she didn’t look like the others.”
Katy then talked about the importance of the her.BIBLE coaching curriculum.
She shared, “To have a team of women ahead of me who have done what I’m hoping to do has encouraged me. It has been incredibly meaningful and inspiring.”
Pray for Katy as she and her team record, edit and master the New Testament with a goal of launching by International Women’s Day in 2023.
We desire to empower women to reach and disciple women in their nations with audio Bibles in their heart language. Varying reading levels increase the need for audio Scriptures around the globe. Women living in areas where they cannot own or carry a Bible will be able to listen discreetly. We hope to coach more women like Katy who have the longing and skills to produce their own audio Bibles.
Would you join the journey to reach more women with God’s Word? Your donation will help future producers begin their recording process in 2023. Your donation will help future producers begin their recording process in 2023. By giving a gift, you will help us to make training videos and materials for coaching, provide one-on-one consultations with interested women and continue to find more listeners for English. Your gift will enable women worldwide to hear God’s Word in their own language.
You can give online here.
If you have any questions about giving to her.BIBLE, please connect with Lori Dawe, Donor Development at lori.dawe@cru.org.